There are certain occupations out there today that some people tend to take for granted until they need them. Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers and probably the most unappreciated are Police Officers. Trey Sheets is an State Trooper for the Oklahoma State Police Department and he is every bit a lawman. If I were a casting director, […]
Summer is here finally and we luckily survived the craziness that the last few months has brought us. Surprisingly though, summer for me doesn’t slow down much. Can you relate? I’m literally scrambling for any free minute I can get this lately. Do you ever find yourself realizing that you’re spread way too thin? Is […]
One evening I was searching for a movie to watch on Amazon and I came across some of the old Mr. Rogers Neighborhood episodes. They have several seasons available right now to watch. And after revisiting it as an adult, I had an even greater appreciation for his patience, kindness and that he not about […]
My oldest son turned 17 last week which means, time has officially reminded me that it has sped up without any apologies. Next year my son will be a senior in High School and then out of the house; a time filled with excitement, anxiety and the desire to be able to rewind time! An […]
You have noticed that today’s episode is a little different from the interview formatted shows of people who I’ve chosen to bear the title “Superhero.” Don’t worry, those episodes aren’t going anywhere. But, I’ve chosen to offer something you in between the interviews that you can listen to in a small amount of time and […]
Think of the person you were last week… now a year ago… ten years ago. I think it’s safe to say, that through the course of our lives we shed our old selves and embrace what comes next. You might ask, “Well do I have a choice?” Actually, yes, because each day you choose a […]
Even though the word Superhero is used as a metaphor in this podcast, I can’t help but mention one of the most iconic superhero myths of all time; that’s the story of Superman. There’s many reasons why we love and relate to this story, but in this case I find myself having a new appreciation […]
Thank you for stopping by. If you haven’t listened to our Trailer Episode, please check it out below! Once episodes are released you can listen to them here, but the best way is through your favorite podcast app. Each post will show images of the Superhero being interviewed, along with the show notes and resource […]